Sunday, February 8, 2009

Koortsstuip (Febrile Seizure)

Last night, i went to bed early because I had such a migrane the whole day, then at 10:30pm i woke up and heard that Mireille is waking up so i went to her bedroom and i noticed already that she seems to be warm and I'm thought maybe just because of her colds, so i bring her to our bedroom so I can better observe her (by the way Ron was still then at the hospital).... Mireille stay awake maybe for an hour, so I cannot leave her in our bedroom because my plan then was to get the thermometer and paracetamol (which we kept in the kitchen), just in case she had fever... maybe it's about 11:30pm when she fell asleep and so as I... Then at 12:30 midnight, I woke up so finally i got the chance to get the thermoter and paracetamol then... At about 12:45 (midnight) I checked her temperature and it was around 40.3 (celcius degree) so i give her right away paracetamol and changed her diaper (because normally she will have rashes whenever the wet diaper stay long if she had fever because her urine is warm as well then )...
After changing her diaper, she suddenly got convulsion, i don't want to tell the detail anymore because it makes me sooooo sad everytime i remember how she looks like then.... Here in Holland they called it Koortsstuip or (Febrile Seizure) which is commonly known in Philippines as "kumbulsyon".... On that moment, I was in panic already, and it's good that Mama Gea (my mother in law) was here... She know's exactly what to do, like putting a lukewarm wet towel in Mireille's head and feet... She keep on saying also to me to stay calm, because she know's exactly what to do, because it happened also to her kids before... Then we called an ambulance too... Actually the seizure did not last for more than 5 minutes, so when the ambulance came, Mireille is a bit okay already and it's not necessary anymore to bring Mireille to the hospital... They just give additional paracetamol to really let the fever go down... and they told me to check again the temperature after an hour if the fever stays high...
I stayed awake till 2:00 a.m. (because I'm soooo afraid if it will happen again), then when I checked her temperature the fever was gone.... and she had a good sleep then. When we woke up at around 6:00 in the morning, she's okay as if nothing happened... Mireille woke me up with a kiss and say's "mama go!" which she means for me to wake up and for us to go out of our bedroom... but those word's means a lot, it's like saying..."Mama go, there's nothing to worry anymore...."
Thanks for all the prayers.... God Bless!

Today, I got busy reading in internet about Febrile seizure, because I want to understand exactly what is it ... I found and read a comprehensive overview of Febrile seizure from

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