Friday, March 18, 2011

Tsunami aid and relief for Japan

Photo above from CNN website

After Japan was hit by the destructive eartquake and tsunami. I tried to watch everyday in CNN Breaking News to see the updates on what's going on with Japan... My heart breaks over and over again to see those images and videos. But I know that it should not end with me here having tears and feeling sad for those people. I think we should do something in our own little way to help those in need.

I found out in CNN website the article: Tsunami aid and relief: How you can help. You can read there the charities helping Japan. And it is well explained on how you can donate to a chosen charity organization. Most of them are so easy just send text message with a corresponding word to a certain number then you'll be able to send $10. I'm here in Holland so I'm not really sure if it's working also here or maybe it would work only in USA.

The following charities are helping now in Japan which were mentioned also in the article on how you can help:

> World Vision
> American Red Cross
> The Salvation Army
> Americares
> Save the Children
> Mercy Corps
> Convoy of Hope
> International Medical Corps
> ShelterBox
> Doctors Without Borders
> Americans Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
> Jewish Community of Japan
> Operation Blessing International
> American Humane Association
> Search Dog Foundation

At the end of the article it further says that "For more information, please read CNNMoney's story explaining how donors should watch the crisis unfold before sending contributions. The article also provides tips on what to give, where to give and how to avoid scams".

Indeed there are many ways to send our help or donations. My personal choice is the ShelterBox. It think in every box they send is a big help to every homeless family that is affected by disaster like the eartquake and tsunami in Japan.

The photo above is from website of Convoy of Hope. Where there's an article over 50,000 Meals expedited from Philippines to Japan.

There might be persons who could not give financial help. But I think they are still capable of giving big help by keeping the PRAYERS for the victims of this disaster. And by continuing the prayers that the Reactor no.3 of the Japan nuclear plant will not meltdown.

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