Good Friday is observed here in Holland in different ways compared to Philippines... Here in not a non-working holiday so everyone spent this day as ordinary day... But in Philippines, Holy Thursday and Good Fridays are two of the National Holidays so everyone has the chance to observe and participate in church activities among the Catholics...
I do miss the holy week activities in Parish of the Holy liked Pabasa, Kumpisalang Bayan, Senakulo, Visita Iglesia and Daang Krus ... Here there are different activities too, so yesterday we went to Sint Vitus Parochie (St. Vitus Parish) in Winschoten and attended the Kruisweg or Way of the Cross to meditate with every Station of the Cross over the scene of Christ's sufferings and death... I think with our busy life it's important for at least once a year to commemorate The Passion of the Christ....
The Kruisweg or Way of the Cross here is the same as in Philippines only it's in dutch language.. It's like a pilgrimage in every station to meditate and pray... But I've noticed here after the 12th Station (Jesus dies on the Cross) they offered flowers to the Holy Cross (as you can see in the photo above, The Cross with flowers) but in Philippines they don't usually decorate flowers during Lenten season, except the Pink Sunday (Laetare Sunday)... So yesterday we didn't brought flowers, I didn't know that it's how they do it here... I like it, a simple offering of flowers to the cross. It's a way to express yourself that if only I'm there 2000 years ago when Jesus was crucified I could have given him flowers too... but then I could be those sinners too , to whom Jesus offered His life.... Thank you Lord Jesus for being my saviour.
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